EEBA Excellence Awards
Excellence in Healthier Homes
People in the US spend approximately 70% of their time at home. This award seeks to call out builders who understand the impacts that certain products and services have on homeowners to build a better air quality environment that includes low VOC, air filtration, and avoiding hazardous materials. Projects must be seeking Indoor airPLUS certification as a baseline but go above and beyond this baseline by showcasing best in class practices. Click here to submit your project for Excellence in Healthier Homes.
Excellence in Electrification
Many countries, including the US, are seeking ways to decrease current carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to respond to concerns about climate change. Electrification of homes is a key strategy in transitioning to renewable energy sources and reducing CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels. This award highlights homes that deliver the climate, health, and economic benefits of electrification. This award seeks to identify best-in-class all-electric house-building strategies and showcase technologies used. Click here to submit your project for Excellence in Electrification.
Excellence in Resiliency
On average, about 1 in 10 homes are impacted by natural disasters, affecting millions of homeowners a year. This award seeks to identify the best-in-class homes built with resiliency in mind, looking for solutions that can help make homes stronger and better prepared for droughts, wildfires, extreme heat, storms, earthquakes, floods, and other types of natural disasters and severe weather, protecting homeowners. The FORTIFIED program is one building method that recognizes how typical construction leaves homes vulnerable and has found solutions to meet the increasing demand for stronger, more resilient homes. This award seeks to identify single-family and multi-family projects focused on cutting-edge resiliency strategies that protect the occupants. Click here to submit your project for Excellence in Resiliency.
Excellence in Decarbonization
40% of carbon comes from the real estate sector; decarbonizing our homes is one way to reduce carbon emissions. This award seeks to identify builders that have measured their operational and embodied carbon throughout the construction process and look at ways to reduce carbon through thoughtful choices of materials, and processes which may include carbon offset strategies. Click here to submit your project for Excellence in Decarbonization.